Photography Series


"In search of our source, we wonder. Not as free explorers but as bound hunters. Trying to make sense of the words of the confused, the insomniac, and those who do not dream. We are told to not only embrace their philosophies but also don their uniform. A suit and tie is the way to success. So they say. But that only leaves the young lost, with no path. No method of living out their dreams, their purpose, the reason for their being. Leaving the youth lost in a forest of possibilities, searching for a path but exploring while bound."
- Tolo Akin

This photo series is a commentary on the ideology that young adults, especially young Black men, must adhere to societal norms (represented by formal wear). In doing so, many young adults forget their innate passions and become lost when they try to rekindle their once-natural love later in life. Because it would cost them more than they are willing to sacrifice to find what they have lost, many then stay in their normal, succumbing to society’s norms.

This photo series was featured on the online magazine, Black Voice.

My Mental State

Mental Health & Self-Love. The relationship between these two concepts is being explored in this collection of photographs.

In this powerful and poignant photo series, the lens captures the nuanced and intimate journey of Black men and individuals as they navigate the mental health landscape through the lens of self-mental wellness. Each photograph tells a unique story, illustrating moments of introspection, resilience, and self-discovery. The series aims to dismantle stereotypes and foster understanding by showcasing the diverse ways in which these individuals engage in practices that promote mental well-being. This visual exploration serves as a celebration of self-care, self-love, and the unbreakable spirit that thrives amidst the challenges, inviting viewers to witness a profound and deeply personal journey toward mental wellness.

Photos from this series were featured in the Ottawa Art Gallery exhibition “How I Love You” and the partnered collection between Gallea and the Black Wealth Club.

Love & Temptation

Relationships can take unexpected routes, paths we did not ever expect, but know they have to be followed for our healing, our personal growth, and our own peace.

How can we truly love and give our best to our partners if our proximity does not give us the right space to be the best version of ourselves?

Embark on a visual exploration of relationships in this captivating photo series. Each image depicts the unexpected paths crucial for healing, personal growth, and inner peace. The series raises the question: Can we truly love and give our best when our connection doesn't allow space for individual evolution? Through intimate moments and shared vulnerabilities, these photographs invite contemplation on the transformative journey within relationships, celebrating the complexity and beauty of unexpected routes.

A photo from this overall series has been featured in the Ottawa Art Gallery exhibition, “We Do Not Dream of Labour”.